Friday, August 25, 2017

Lyndie Dourthe - When Nature meets Fantasy

Sometimes an artist just shouldn’t put too much thought into what the observer’s perception would be behind the so-called meaning of a given piece (whether it is suppose to have meaning or not).  Especially if inspiration pops mainly from botanical- and anatomical elements like flowers, leaves, mushrooms, butterflies, and so on… who needs explanation then really?  That is exactly the case of the whimsical and sometimes somewhat bizarre pieces made by Lyndie Dourthe.  She starts off by dyeing and hand-painting some fabric and then she meticulously cuts it out to fashion ethereal like flowers or leaves… or she sews it together into an object.  These components can eventually become a necklace, an anatomical study or a still life to display, to wear or just appreciate.  For her, she says “the difference between science and art is not that great – both can be poetry”.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Arjan van Arendonk - Sculptural Silicone Paintings

Arjan van Arendonk from Den Bosch in the Netherlands is a one-of-a-kind artist like no other.  He is Dutch and of course marvellous paintings of floral still-lives have been painted by the great Dutch masters for centuries.  What makes Van Arendonk’s work new and fresh is the fact that he paints with pigmented silicone (and sometimes include some embroidery elements too) onto printed fabrics.  The way he does it!  It is such a visual feast of both colour and structure.  It is also evident that this man clearly loves nature and who could ever get tired of work done by an artist like that?